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Wow! That Tastes Good!

This blog is the beginning of a culinary adventure. For my first fifty years, I have, with rare exceptions, mostly eaten from a select few cuisines and, when dining out, from a handful of restaurants. I think most people do this as a reflection of the 80/20 rule. But, I have always looked in awe at the wider variety of eateries that surround me. And I have asked myself, "What would it be like to just do something different?" And so I am, and I am blogging about the journey.

This will be a marathon, not a sprint. I intend to visit one or two different places each month. I am looking to have new experiences, meet new people, and learn. And I will be learning as I go along. I have written articles and blog posts in the past, but I haven't considered myself a writer. I hope to become one as I make this journey.

And just a quick note, I'm not a picky eater. I love a wide range of fragrances and flavors. So, some of you may become bored with the fact that I'm likely to find so many things that taste good. On the other hand, maybe my journey will inspire you to explore the eateries of your own hometown. I hope we can all have great experiences and come away saying, "Wow! That Tastes Good!"

Wow! That Tastes Good! Grilling scallops on a Yaki Yaki San table top grill. The grill is resting on a table top butane burner, and is surrounded by other foods.

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